Unbelievable Cakery!

Unbelievable Cakery!

We always say we LOVE working with bloggers, and now you can see why!
Our friend Shawna McGreevy, is a cake decorator extraordinaire! 

She transformed The WorkBox 2.0 into an edible CAKE! The details are phenomenal and we are so excited to be able to share her experience with everyone. 

See below for pictures and videos from McGreevy Cakes! Remember you can follow her blog here: http://mcgreevycakes.com/workbox-cake/



The WorkBox 2.0 CAKE! Our left swing door never looked so YUMMY!
Look at all of those beautiful pom poms!


Now you can have your cake...and eat it too!
Unbelievably artistic!!

Handmade with love...
We'll let you play with your food...just this once!


Amazing WorkBox 2.0 CAKE REPLICA Video!


Leave your comments below! 
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By Kat Espinoza 

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